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McMillan Cemetery

Search Database

The cemetery is on the private property of Fred Clemons on Rd. 650 E., Section 33, in Tippecanoe Township. The cemetery was last read in 1976 by Lester H. Binnie. At the time Mr. Binnie was collecting data he was supplied information about the cemetery by Mrs. Jean Lynch. According to Mrs. Lynch this was the family cemetery of William McMillan Jr. and his father-in-law, John Dunham. It was believed that the cemetery had at one time held about 33 graves. At the time Mrs. Lynch stated that the cemetery had been plowed under about 35 years earlier. That would have made the date around 1941.

Known burials at the time of Mr. Binnie’s reference to the McMillen Cemetery were as follows:
Dunham, John died 12 Nov., 1878
Dunham, Eliza, wife of John Dunham, died 11 Aug., 1856

Mosette, Chief of the Squaw Buck Indians, was buried about 1856. It is said that medical students from Goshen took his bones, and they left in the grave a bottle of whisky, a knife, bows and arrows and a tomahawk.

Researched in September, 1974.

2009- The Incredible Wheel of Time, Volume II, by Ervin Stuntz, published 1984, page 133, tells of the Burial of MO-ZE-TTE the son of the Chief MUS-QUA-BUCK in this cemetery.