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Mock Cemetery

Search Database

This cemetery can be found on the east side of County Road 850 E., one quarter mile south of County Road 500 N, Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana.

A transcription of this cemetery was done by L. H. Binnie of Albion, Indiana, September, 1976. Since that time, many more burials have been added and some previously read markers have disappeared.  Where applicable, we have noted Mr. Binnie’s location of stones or readings that are now, either gone, or unreadable. Any portion of the new transcription in parentheses is from Mr. Binnie’s previous reading. There is a small listing after section five that refers to burials noted in 1976 that no longer have any visible markers.

We have transcribed the cemetery in a slightly different configuration than the Tippecanoe Township Trustee Office uses. In the map below you will see what we refer to as sections 1-5.

Following section one of the transcription, you will find photos of each stone in that section. There is an index of the transcribed stones in the back of the book.  After our index, you will see Tippecanoe Township Trustee Original Plot Listing. We included this so you may have the most information possible. The Trustee’s listing uses the Section, Plot and Grave numbering system their office uses. It will not correspond with our section numbers.

Abbreviations used: R/S -Row/Stone, A L- American Legion, VFW- Veteran of Foreign War. There are other abbreviations used but they should be common.

Mock Section Map